Tactical Home Protection: From Awareness to Ambush Strategies

In our latest video excerpt from the Full Spectrum Warriors Protectors Summit, we dive into the world of home defense tactics for couples. This segment, taken from our Couples Home Defense training, offers invaluable insights for those new to home defense and Close Quarters Battle (CQB) techniques.

Key Points Covered:

  1. Identifying Danger Zones: Recognizing areas that are difficult to clear, such as hallways and stairwells, helps you understand potential threat movements and how to use these to your advantage.
  2. Ambush Strategies: We emphasize the importance of setting up effective ambush positions rather than actively seeking out intruders. This approach maximizes your home-field advantage and minimizes unnecessary risks.
  3. Family Protection: Practical advice on how to position family members safely during a home invasion scenario.

One key takeaway from the video is the concept of “opening doors.” Contrary to the instinct to hide behind closed doors, we explain why opening all doors in your home can create confusion for intruders and provide you with more tactical options.

Remember, the goal of home defense isn’t to clear your house like a SWAT team, but to protect yourself and your loved ones effectively while waiting for additional help to arrive.

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