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What's inside Full Spectrum Warrior University?
An Extensive Library of Trainings You Can Watch In the Convenience Of Your Home Or On The Go With Any Web Enabled Device.

Active Shooter Response Training
When seconds count between life and death, it is imperative that we make accurate decisions quickly! Our 5 step process will help you identify how to make the best decisions possible to increase your odds of survival. There is information in every situation that will guide you, if you know what your looking for.
- 18 Lessons

Vehicle Attack Survival TIps
Although vehicles are an essential piece of equipment in our lives, they can be extremely dangerous if we are hit by one. Learn how to avoid death and minimize injury when you’re about to come in contact with a moving vehicle.
- 18 Lessons

Choosing a CCW Pistol
We will evaluate the most important things to take under consideration so you can determine, which pistol would be most appropriate for you to utilize as your concealed carry weapon (CCW).
- 18 Lessons

Foundations for Defensive Pistol Shooting
When seconds count between life and death, it is imperative that we make accurate decisions quickly! Our 5 step process will help you identify how to make the best decisions possible to increase your odds of survival. There is information in every situation that will guide you, if you know what your looking for.
- 18 Lessons

Weapon Setup
Whether you are setting up a long range precision rifle or a tactical/home defense shotgun, getting it set up properly will make a big difference in how functional it is when you need it. In this section, Rich will show you how to set up each of these weapons as well as many things to keep in mind and pit-falls to avoid along the way.
- 18 Lessons
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Adaptive Shooting Position - Pistol
When seconds count between life and death, it is imperative that we make accurate decisions quickly! Our 5 step process will help you identify how to make the best decisions possible to increase your odds of survival. There is information in every situation that will guide you, if you know what your looking for!
- 18 Lessons

High Ready Position
Now that you have the Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting down, it is time to take the next step toward combative shooting with the Adaptive Shooting Position.
- 18 Lessons

NAUKA Fighting
We will evaluate the most important things to take under consideration so you can determine, which pistol would be most appropriate for you to utilize as your concealed carry weapon (CCW).
- 18 Lessons

Elevated Heart Rate Shooting Drills
Drills you can preform at the range to challenge your shooting skills with added stress and fatigue.
- 18 Lessons

Max Capable
The ability to produce force in a highly coordinated matter while moving across multiple planes of motion is one of the cornerstones of athletic ability in any activity. Punching, kicking, off-balancing, throwing, grappling, transitioning to and from the ground – all of these abilities are multiplane in nature and require strong rotational and anti-rotational skills for power generation and control of the movement. Tactical athletes should devote more and more of their strength and conditioning training time to more multiplane rotational movements in order to further advance their coordination and athleticism, as well as to make their practices more activity-specific.
- 18 Lessons
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Here Are The Incredible Benefits of Full Spectrum Warrior University
- INSTANT ACCESS To All Trainings
- 35+ Highly Detailed Courses
- 280+ Training Lessons
- 600+ Hours of Instruction
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