Close Quarters For Responsible Citizens (CQB/CQC)
In-Person Instruction Available at The Florida Deep Woods Ranch Training Facility
Close Quarters For Responible Citizens (CQB/CQC)
It seems that everyone wants to learn Close Quarters Battle (CQB) because of movies, Instagram, etc. The truth is, that fighting an armed opponent in close quarters is extremely dangerous. That is why it’s vital that you don’t do CQB for the first time when you are in a real fight.
Understanding and applying some basic CQB fundamentals can drastically improve your odds. Further, having another person, or even a small team with you who also understand those fundamentals, can exponentially increase the chances of success.
This 1-day course will teach you the same fundamentals taught to special forces operators, including both deliberate and dynamic CQB techniques as it pertains to self-defense.
Responsible citizens and armed professionals that want to improve their survivability in a home invasion or active killer scenario should take this class.
- Close quarters fundamental including maximizing cover and concealment.
- Handling open and closed doors.
- Corner and center fed room techniques.
- Hallway, intersection, and T-intersection techniques.
- Stairwell techniques.
- Single man tactics and techniques
- Team tactics, techniques and communication (Two- and four-man teams)
- Downed shooter procedure.
This class involves working with others in a tight environment. Initially, everything will be done using dryfire with safe weapons. For the safety of the group please do not bring any live ammunition to this block of training. Students may bring their own personal firearms they would be using for home defense to the event, but will only be utilized in a dry fire capacity. Students that cannot safely demonstrate this or in a competency may be required to sit out, or to participate with a clear rubber gun.
Ammunition: In this course we will be using Unit Solutions BB’s for less than lethal training aids provided by FSW. In addition, students who would like to bring a laser trainer like a Mantis or similar may do so. Also acceptable are any Sims, UTM, or Airsoft weapon systems the student might own and wish to train with.Â
- Mantis Black Beard Dry Fire Laser Trainer with Trigger Reset for your AR-15 (Optional but highly recommended)
- Ear and Eye protection
- Gun lube, cleaning kit, tools
- Clothing for the weather (Note the range is outside)
- Closed toed shoes
- Pants (recommended)
- Long sleeve shirt (recommended)
- Hat (recommended)
- Sunscreen
- Bug spray
- Lunch and snacks
- 1-Gallon of water each day
What's Included:
- 1-Day Hands on Instruction
- Training Weapons Provided
- Professional Outdoor Facility
- FSW Morale Patch
- Certificate of Completion
- Be LEGALLY allowed to own and/or handle a firearm inn Florida
- This a course is suitable for experienced shooters. If you are in doubt about your firearms skills, we highly recommend taking the Defensive Firearms II course as a pre-curser to this course.
Prior tp taking this in-person training please take following course bundle in the FSW University.
- Adaptive Shooting Position - Pistol
- FSW - Combat Mobility
If you already have an FSW University membership, click the “University Login” button at the top right of your screen.